The great barbarian empire of patriarchy that men have created will decay

Nostradamus NostradamusNostradamus Nostradamus Nostradamus 

“Almost all the publications on Nostradamus' work which have appeared this century focus exclusively on the negative aspects of his predictions, making him, in the popular mind, a prophet solely of destruction and disaster, plague and nuclear war.

But are we inevitably doomed to a future world of natural and ecological disaster, plague and nuclear war? Is our future destiny, as foreseen by Nostradamus, immutable, or will we be given an opportunity to improve our chances of survival?

Throughout the prophet's visions of apocalypse the theme of a new religious consciousness occurs again and again. It will flourish, he says, before the end of the 20th century ...

In their present state the established religions show little signs of an ability to bring peace on earth. On the contrary, most of the wars of history have been fought over differences of faith and different definitions of the nature of"truth.”By clearing predicting the flowering of a new religion, Nostradamus discounts all the familiar established faiths. What is the nature of this new religion? Is it already developing, or yet to be born?

Radical attempts to lift human consciousness always meet with violent opposition, particularly from those with vested interests in retaining the status quo. Throughout history men of vision have been subject to persecution. Ironically, many of the political and religious groups, the"Authorities," which silenced them, later capitalized on their deaths, presumably in an effort to consolidate both their power and influence.

An example is the way the pagan Roman Empire crucified Jesus, then later established Christianity as a state religion. The history of the Roman Catholic church and its Vatican, built over the bones of a crucified Peter, stems from these beginnings.

Can we be open to the possibility that there may be spiritual teachers among us now who have new insights into how we can all live happily on our planet? Such a fresh look at our mystic contemporaries may require us to set aside our accepted beliefs and preconceptions. By branding modern visionaries as eccentric, or dangerous enough to outlaw, as our society often does, we may be repeating the mistakes made by the God-fearing citizens of Jerusalem 2,000 years ago when they branded Jesus Christ as a guru of a mad cult.

Some 60 quatrains of Nostradamus' prophecies seem to chronicle today's new spiritual teachers and their movements. The pattern of these prophecies indicates the unique historical phenomenon which we call the"Human Potential"or"New Age"movement... These 60 quatrains contain eight major clues to the character of the new religion and its teachings, and to the identification of its visionaries.”

John Hogue, Nostradamus: The New Revelations
Element Books, Inc., 1994, p. 225-27

"New law to occupy the new land
Towards Syria, Judeau and Palestine:
The great barbarian empire of men decay,
Before the moon completes its cycle

Century 3:97

A new law will emerge in the new world of America,
At a time when Syria, Judeau and Palestine are significant:
The great barbarian empire of patriarchy that men have created will decay
During the time that the feminine spirit is completing its cycle.”

Manuela Dunn Mascetti and Peter Lorie,
Nostradamus: Prophecies for Women, Simon & Schuster, 1995, p. 47

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