Akaal Moorat - His Form (Existence) Transcends Time

1. Akaal Moorat - His Form (Existence) Transcends Time

He is beyond time, therefore without death or change. There are some who believe that God created the world and then perished. Philosophically, too, one may argue that if God created the world from Himself, then He must have changed or perished to become the world, just as a seed perishes to become a tree, or a as milk disappears to form curds.

By addressing the Truth as Akhal Moorat Guru Nanakji is pointing out that God has not become the Creation, but is merely appearing as the Creation - just as a rope in the twilight appears to be a snake. Thus this universe is not real, it is superimposed on the Reality. It is like a dream and nothing in the dream can harm the waker.

In the same way, God, the Reality, can never perish or die. Besides, He is the Creator of time, and since He was there before time, He is beyond time. He, the Lord who is Consciousness, is Trikaala Darshi, He is the 'Seer of Time'. He is aware of time, so He cannot be 'in' time. In other words, He is not conditioned by time.

Just as we said earlier, one who is watching the cars pass by is not inside any of the cars. Since the lord is beyond time, and therefore beyond death, He is totally fearless and therefore all-powerful. Also, He has no enmity with anyone. He is all compassionate. Indeed, one who surrenders to such a lord in devotion has no reason to fear anything.

Time is a concept of the mind. When you are happy and enjoying yourself, when your mind is all at peace, time seems to pass quickly. When you are sad or bored and your mind is agitated, time seems to slow down. In sleep, when the mind has enfolded itself, there is no concept of time Therefore are you not aware of time when you are awake, as well as of its absence when you are asleep?

You who are the witness or the seer of time are beyond time. The Self, the Aaatmaa, I of the nature of consciousness, which is aware of the mind and of time, is unconditioned by time and therefore imperishable. I, the Aatmaa, can never die. What perishes is the ever- changing body, not I.

Shri Krishna in the Geeta says that this Aatmaa cannot be destroyed by any weapon or by any of the forces of nature. Wind cannot dry it nor water wet it nor fire burn it. The Self is ever indestructible and eternal.

He who knows this Aatmaa becomes fearless and without hatred. Shri Guru Arjan Dev was thrown alive into a cauldron of burning oil, Shri Guru Teg Badhur-ji tortured and beheaded. Did They even for a moment have any fear or hatred? No, because the Lord of the universe who is the Indweller, the Self, who is Akaal Moorat, is also Ajuni.

Akaal Moorat - His Form (Existence) Transcends Time

Guru Granth Sahib: 1. Mool Mantra - Fundamental Meanings
Guru Granth Sahib: 2. Ik Onkaar - The One God, the Absolute Reality
Guru Granth Sahib: 3. Satnaam - His name is Sat, Ever True
Guru Granth Sahib: 4. Kartaa Purakh - The Only Doer, the One Creator
Guru Granth Sahib: 5. Nirbhau Nirvair - Fearless and All-loving is He
Guru Granth Sahib: 6. Akaal Moorat - His Form (Existence) Transcends Time
Guru Granth Sahib: 7. Ajuni - He is Without Birth or Beginning
Guru Granth Sahib: 8. Saibangh - He is Self-existent and Self-illuminating
Guru Granth Sahib: 9. Gurparsaad - The Grace of the Guru
Guru Granth Sahib: 10. Jap - Chant

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