"Chakras, or 'plexuses of consciousness' form the major nerve ganglia of an extraordinary circuitry of nadis, energy channels that link together our animal body with our subtler bodies and their higher functions such as intelligence and love. It is because of these chakras and nadis that our five koshas, 'sheaths' — function so smoothly and integrally as a one organism and awareness can move through all bodies, transiting from physical to emotional, to intuition to spiritual, instantaneously. In computer language, these chakras could be considered cosmic network hubs and the nadis as multi-gigabyte-per-second optical fiber wiring. Except, this wiring extends inside and outside the computer."The Ascent to the Godhead
There are seven 'chakras'. The first is the 'muladhara', the root
chakra, which is the link in each person with 'mula prakriti', with mother
nature. This chakra is located at the base of the spine, and so it is understood
that at the base of the spine we are all related to the physical web of the
universe. The whole universe as we know it, from the atom to the star, is a web
of interdependent energies, and our physical bodies are part of that web of
energies. At the 'muladhara' we are linked with all the energies of the
universe. As that chakra opens we become aware of this energy. Ancient people
lived much more from the muladhara. They were immersed in the physical universe.
This was a limitation to some extent and they had to grow out of it, but we have
grown so far out of it that we have lost consciousness of it. We now have to
recover that deep physical consciousness, consciousness of matter and of our
integration in the material world. So we have to allow the muladhara to open and
become activated.
The next chakra is the 'svadhisthana'. This is the life consciousness, or sex
consciousness, and this was a very important element in the Tantra which
eventually led to its falling into disrepute and being rejected. In Tantra part
of the practice was to develop sexual energy as one means of uniting with the
Godhead. There is both physical energy and life energy, which is the energy
which is in all the plants and animals and in all the life of nature. We also
share in that energy and through this chakra we are related to, and united with,
this whole life energy of the universe. The aim is to convert this energy. We do
not simply let it out in its normal channel, and neither do we suppress it
(which would be disastrous); rather we try to draw it within. The energy has to
rise through all the chakras and in this rising it becomes an inner force,
'ojas', as it is called. This is a very practical discipline. People today are
trying to find a way between suppressing sex and indulging it. The third
way is to have a disciplined method for transforming the energy. This is done
largely through control of the breathing but also through the mantra, the breath
and the word.
Access to the third sphere of psychic energy is through the opening up of the
'manipura chakra'. This is the level of emotional energy. Here again we are all
linked emotionally, first with our mother and father, family, blood relations
and so on. These are very close emotional ties, and we know now how a person's
life may be conditioned by these emotional experiences which begin in the womb
and develop during the first two or three years. As this chakra opens up the
emotional energy has to be controlled. Normally when the chakras open the energy
is not controlled; tantric yoga is precisely the control of the energy in the
chakras, not letting the energies dissipate themselves but learning to bring
them within. In this way the emotions are brought within this current, this
force, and allowed to rise up to the deeper centre. It needs to be emphasised
that to do this is to control the emotions. It is not a matter of suppressing
the emotions or of indulging them, but rather of learning the middle way of
control. Again the method is the same. It is done by sitting, by breathing and
by concentration of the mind. To concentrate the mind, those who are religious
concentrate on God, on Jesus if one is a Christian, on Shiva or Vishnu if one is
a Hindu. One concentrates the mind at that point and then the energy is allowed
to rise to that point. It is given a direction. It is not safe to awaken the
chakras if one is not directing the energies which are released. It is dangerous
because one may awaken powers which cannot be controlled. But, by focussing on
the Supreme in one way or another, one guides the energy towards the still
The fourth chakra is the 'nahata', the heart chakra. This is the chakra of
affection. The emotions are unstable, affection is stable. (P.197) It is the
centre of the will and of the reason, the 'manas' or lower mind. Most people
live from the heart chakra; feelings, affection and practical discipline come
from the heart. It is a deep centre and to focus on it is a very valid way, but
it does not take one very far. This is the middle level of consciousness, the
mental consciousness in its rather limited aspect and that is where many people
Next comes the 'visuddha', the throat chakra, which includes the verbal and
sound-based consciousness: words, language, poetry, music and so on. All this
opens up in the throat. So there is a progression as one emerges from the deep
consciousness, through emotional ties with one's mother and family, through the
heart where one is opening up to a wider sphere of knowledge and of practical
reason and will, and now one is opening up through one's feelings, and
imagination, and through music and poetry, to a wider sphere altogether.
Then one comes to the 'jna chakra' and this corresponds to the 'buddhi', the
intelligence. That is where one focusses the mind, so one is drawing all the
energy up through this point. The 'buddhi' is where one opens on the
transcendent and that is why in meditation one tends to concentrate on the ajna
chakra. There can be concentration on the heart and this is good, but there
needs also to be concentration on the mind, the intellect, the 'nous'. At that
point one comes to the 'buddhi', the point of awakening and of enlightenment.
The Buddha is the enlightened one. This is the point of the so-called third eye,
where one is beginning to open to the transcendent. Until that eye opens one is
still living in the created world, the world of the senses and the mind; one has
not yet gone beyond. The ajna chakra is the passage to the transcendent.
The seventh and final stage is the 'sahasrara', the thousand-petalled lotus at
the crown of the head. The chakras are pictured in different ways. One way is to
see them as lotuses having different numbers of petals at each level. At
first the petals are turned down. Then, as the energy rises, the petals are
pictured as turned up symbolising the opening of the lotus, the opening of the
chakra, at that particular level until one's whole being is transformed as the
energy flows through it. The chakras are also associated with colours and with
sounds. There is a whole science of colour and sound and energy, and the
interrelationships between them have been very profoundly studied.
At this point, then, the energy rises to the supreme chakra, the 'sahasrara',
and there one opens on the transcendent. This is the realm of what is called
transpersonal psychology, which relates to the consciousness beyond the ego.
Beyond the gross world, the world of the senses, is the subtle world. It has
become clear that practically all Western psychology is simply concerned with
the lower levels of consciousness and Western psychologists are for the most
part unaware of the higher stages. There are several stages beyond. The first is
the lower subtle world where the mode of experience is through the subtle
senses. Instead of only relating to the outer world through the gross senses one
begins to develop subtle senses. One perceives the psychic world, which is a
different level of reality enfolded in the physical world. The physical world is
the outer shell and beyond that is the subtle psychic world.
In the Hindu tradition there is a way of talking about this transformation which
is in terms of bodily sheaths, or 'koshas', in which the human consciousness is
involved, of which only the first is physical and the rest are subtle. The first
sphere is the 'nnamayakosha', the food 'kosha', which is the material body.
Then there is the 'pranamayakosha', the level of the breath or life energy.
Inside this is the 'manomayakosha', the mental body, or mind energy. In the West
this is generally thought to be the final stage of development, whereas in
reality it is only an intermediate level. Beyond the 'manomayakosha' is
the 'vijnanamayakosha', and that is where one comes to the 'buddhi' or
intellect. Finally there is the 'nandamayakosha', the supreme bliss
consciousness. As one passes beyond all the limitations of the lower levels of
consciousness, one experiences the bliss of the 'sahasrara', the highest level
of consciousness, the 'nandamayakosha'. At that stage one is open to the cosmic
consciousness, the cosmic order, and that is where one becomes aware of the gods
and the angels.
A New Vision of Reality (Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and Christian Faith)
Bede Griffiths, Templegate Publishers (May 14, 1990) pp. 195-99
Those who wish to open their Chakras are advised to follow instructions #16-18 of this Self-Realization link. The Mother Kundalini will rise from the base Mooladhara Chakra and, after awakening all the chakras on Her path, reach the Sahasrara Chakra. There will be two self-verifiable signs of this kundalini awakening and opening of the chakras:
i) feeling Cool Breeze of Spirit (ruach, pneuma, ruh, shekinah, chaitanya) from top of head and/or;
ii) feeling Cool Breeze of Spirit (ruach, pneuma, ruh, shekinah, chaitanya) from fingertips/palm of hands.
You are assured of your own Divine Kundalini/Mother/Spirit within giving Self-Realization and opening your chakras provided you follow those instructions. That assurance in the form of Cool Breeze, which is self-verifiable, manifests due to a far higher spiritual evolution. Rest assured that this experience is absolutely without any side-effects whatsoever.
On the contrary, your own Divine Mother/Holy Spirit within will over the years lead you to a state of mind, bliss, peace, knowledge and spiritual journey that has no parallel. This second birth of the Spirit/Mother Kundalini commences the promised Resurrection and, upon physical 'death', evolution into the eternal spirit as demonstrated by Jesus Christ is upheld, albeit with different wordings and interpretations, by the holy scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism.
But Jesus insists that for all this to manifest one must be born of the Spirit (Mother Kundalini), and the sure sign of that spiritual birth from within oneself will be the Cool Breeze (Wind):
Jesus and Nicodemus
John 3:1-8
1. Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews;
2. this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him."
3. Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."
4. Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?”
5. Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
6. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7. "Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'
8. "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
"Experience of the Spirit is of great importance to believers, and this is natural, if the Spirit is the source of new, eschatological life. However, experience of the Spirit must also take its place within a larger context. For every present encounter with the Spirit is one instant in a long history of pneumatic activity. Forgetting this point results in an overblown evaluation of the significance of experiences of the Spirit. It also results in those experiences losing much of their meaning. The Spirit encountered today is the same Spirit that spoke through the prophets, empowered Jesus and the apostles, and will someday bring about the complete transformation of all things. It is the eschatological Spirit. To experience the Spirit is to be drawn up into this pneumatic movement. Therefore, any experience of the Spirit must take its meaning from this larger historical context." (Beck 2007, 237)
Cool Breeze (Wind) experiences of those born of the Spirit
Judith Coney is a lecturer in the Department of Study of Religions at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. She published her book in 1999 prior to this website and refrained from mentioning the eschatological significance of the "cool breeze" experiences felt by hundreds of thousands since the 1970's till date.
"The result, in all three settings [Royal Albert Hall, local meeting or private house], is that many people do feel a cool breeze. The coolness which is felt is usually associated with other sensations as well. Typically, the pupils of the eyes can be observed to dilate and the person will feel very relaxed and 'centred.' However, it is notable that, despite the very similar ways in which individuals 'get their realisation'—and even in the same setting—not everybody feels exactly the same thing. Sri Mataji teaches that the vibrations of kundalini can be felt as cool breeze on the palm of the hands and above the head. Sometimes breezes, in line with the teachings, are felt on the hands and head specifically. For others, the experience is more generalized:
The experience was extremely timeless, because I felt that it only lasted for about five minutes but somebody came behind me and said 'Would you like a cup of tea?' and I thought, "This is silly, what's all this about tea?” But it turned out that it was about three quarters of an hour later. And I felt a strong cool breeze. I was actually told; 'You will probably feel some coolness or some nice feelings inside' but I felt coolness not just in my hands, where I was told it would be, but all over and I felt incredibly peaceful.
Generally, the feeling of coolness on 'realisation' seems to be discernible, but relatively weak. As with Kakar's description of his own 'realisation', many newcomers are left with the feeling that they felt something but they are not sure what:
Mataji grandly announced, 'He is realised' ... 'Sit in meditation for some time' she told me as I sat up. 'Do you feel a cool breeze on the top of your head and on your palms?' Indeed I did, though I could not distinguish the coolness due to kundalini from the gutsy breeze coming in from the sea. I felt well, though, calm and deeply relaxed. (Kakar 1984, 195-6)
A few, however, have an extremely strong experience. One such incident was described by one of the participating Sahaja Yogis:
He felt really cool, not just on his hands but all over. He said: 'This isn't a breeze, it's a wind'. We all felt it really strongly too. Then we picked up Mother's photograph and held it in front of him and he felt loads of vibrations coming from that. But I think the whole thing was so strong that it frightened him. He was very high and positive for two days, he brought us some flowers, and then he became wary and never came to [the ashram] again.
Others still, in contrast, do not feel much, if anything, on their first session. This lack of feeling on their part, however, may not be shared by the Sahaja Yogis 'working on them', who may remark enthusiastically about how cool the individual feels, and may also be at odds with the view of Sri Mataji herself. Here is the description of his initial contact with Sahaja Yoga by one such follower. He first went to a meeting at which Sri Mataji gave 'realisation' en masse, but felt nothing. Nevertheless, he was persuaded to go to a smaller workshop a few days later.
I really didn't feel anything there at all either but I was told by Mataji herself-she said 'Who hasn't felt it yet?' and I put my hand up with a few others. Mataji said 'Come forward' and then she said to me 'You've got it, you know'. And I said 'Have I?' and she said 'Yes, go through to that room and ask some Sahaja Yogis to work on you'. So that was my introduction to Sahaja Yoga.
It was only with repeated sessions that he developed the ability to feel a cool breeze. There are also those, a few, who may feel more calm, possibly as a result of sitting quietly for some time, but otherwise feel no different and never feel any sort of breeze. This is often explained by Sahaja Yogis as being because the chakras have been too badly damaged by negativity in the past (Rajasekharan and Venkatesan 1992, 98).
Kakar (1984, 208), a trained Freudian psychologist, having witnessed Sri Mataji's delivery of 'realisation' both en masse and on a one-to-one basis, concluded that much of this experience is built on suggestion and 'hypnotic induction':
Needless to add, because of the emotional pressures created in a group setting, the tendency to identify with the experience of other group members and the intense desire to please the leader, only a handful of people hold out against this mass suggestion. (ibid., 209)
Such a conclusion would undoubtedly be rejected by a Sahaja Yogi, convinced that they have experienced their Spirit through the grace of Sri Mataji. It is not within the remit of my present enquiry, however, to seek to establish the 'real cause' of a cool breeze felt by an individual, but to try chart the social dynamics involved. Just as Goodman commented, in relation to religious experience:
The religious practitioners argue for it, either because it is part of their dogma, or because, as they affirm, they have 'been there', they have experienced it. The hard scientists take the opposite position, again as a matter of conviction. As social scientists, our situation is a happier one: at least we can state that, without any doubt, the alternate reality is a social one. (Goodman 1988, 43)."
Judith Coney, Sahaja Yoga
RoutledgeCurzon, 1999, pp. 55-58
Since the 1970's tens of thousands of Sahaja Yogis "have [daily] experienced their Spirit through the grace of Sri Mataji... they affirm, they have 'been there', they have experienced it."
"Such a conclusion would undoubtedly be rejected by a Sahaja Yogi, convinced that they have experienced their Spirit through the grace of Sri Mataji. It is not within the remit of my present enquiry, however, to seek to establish the 'real cause' of a cool breeze felt by an individual, but to try chart the social dynamics involved. Just as Goodman commented, in relation to religious experience: The religious practitioners argue for it, either because it is part of their dogma, or because, as they affirm, they have 'been there', they have experienced it." (Coney 1999, 58)
“The Cool Breeze coming out of your head, that's called as Chaitanya Lahari, that's called Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. When John the Baptist talked about baptism, he meant this. He didn't mean the way we do baptism, to just call somebody, put some water on the head, and say 'Oh, you're baptized. That's just a drama. Baptism is a living process."
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Truth to be Achieved, Brighton, U.K.—7 October 1982
“The Cool Breeze is all around us and we can start feeling in our hands when the Kundalini emerges from the top of the head if our Vishuddhi is alright. This is what Christ meant by 'to be born again' and not just to call some people and say 'Alright, now we have some baptism.'"
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
We don't have to suffer, Bedford, U.K.—8 October 1982
“As prophesied in the scriptures, the phase of Last Judgment has started. The testing ground is of great illusion (Mahamaya). Kundalini is the indicator of our balance and wisdom. She will evaluate, correct and evolve us. Sahaja Yoga gives you a chance to be fully your meaning. Take full advantage of it. Establish your attention in the Absolute (Atman) and achieve the life eternal in the Kingdom of God."
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
London, U.K.—June, 1980
The Divine Mother in this Age has
come in the form of Shri Mataji
(1923-2011) Who, as the promised
Paraclete, brought closure to Jesus'
message of the Kingdom of God
and commenced the Resurrection.
For Hindus, Sikhs and others that
should be understood as Kundalini
awakening and Atma jnana that is
absolutely essential for moksa. My essence is complete innocence in thought, word, and action. I came many times in the form of prophets, saints and gurus of each and every religion, giving you laws and principles whose observance gave inner balance and harmony.
Today when Kundalini awakens My presence in you (second spiritual 'birth'/'being born again' of Spirit), religion is no more a belief—it becomes a living state within. As you become the childlike disciple of your Mother, I make you your own master and in this lifetime strive to liberate you from ceaseless rebirths on this Earth (moksa) and lead you to residence and life eternal in My heavenly Paradise (Kingdom of God). These few names of mine confirm that I reside within you and so will be able to fulfill that promise:
Shri Kundalini
Kundalini [110th] She is coiled like a serpent. She is stated to assume 3 1/2 coils - the form in which Sri Lalita resides in sacrum bone of every human as potential state.
Shri Muladharambujarudha Devi
(Muladharambujarudha [514th]: She is mounted on the four-petalled Muladhara-Padma at the level of the anus.)
Shri Svadhisthananambuja-gata Devi
(Svadhisthananambuja-gata: [504th]: Resides in the six-petalled Svadhisthana-Chakra at the level of the sex organ. This name means Herself resides as Fire in that Chakra.)
Shri Manipurabja-nilaya Devi
(Manipurabja-nilaya [495th]: She has Manipurna-Padma as Her abode near the navel. This Padma has ten petals.)
Shri Anahatabja-nilaya Devi
(Anahatabja-nilaya [485th]: She dwells in the Anahata-Chakra near the heart as Rakini.)
Shri Visuddhi-Chakra-nilaya Devi
(Visuddhi-chakra-nilaya [475th]: Dwelling in the Visuddha Padma of 16 petals.)
Shri Agnya-Chakrabja-nilaya Devi
(Agnya-chakrabja-nilaya (521st): Resides in the two-petalled Agnya-chakra. Residing in this Chakra, She controls various organs (Indriyas). Hence, it is known as Agnya-Chakra situated between the eye-brows.)
Shri Sahasra-dala-padmastha Devi
(Sahasra-dala-padmastha [528th]: Residing in the Thousand-Petaled Lotus.)
The most effective way to clear or heal chakra problems ('catch' or obstruction) is to put attention on the affected chakra during meditation and allow The Mother Kundalini to heal. Remain in the thoughtless state while you work on the affected chakra. Always remember this quote of Shri Mataji:
“Kundalini will rise and She will cleanse you completely. Kundalini will rise and always cleanse the chakras."The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Sydney, Australia—March 31, 1991
“I would say, with this, today's special celebration of Navaratri, like yesterday you saw Shri Durga's nine forms, also. In that, one is Kushmanda, is one of the forms, that you absorb all the filth in yourself, in your stomach. But the Devi does that, not you. What the Devi can do, you should not do. That's her job, that She is supposed to do this, not you. What you have to do is to only be in silence so that you absorb whatever will increase that silence, will increase your depth. The Devi will look after all the rest of the things, she'll look after all the filth, all the anger, all the temper, all the everything that's going on in this world. She will absorb all that, but what you have to do is to just enjoy everything that is pure.
Enjoyment is only possible when you are beyond your mind. With your mind you can never enjoy. It is like a big load. It will not act, it will not help. Enjoyment comes when you are in complete silence, in a rippleless lake, the reflection of all the joy that is created on the shores of that lake are completely reflected, they are not deflected. If they were repulsed it would have been a different image altogether, and would have been something nowhere near the image of reality."
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Navaratri Puja. Cabella Ligure, Italy—October 1, 1995
Once this is power is established no external rituals are required as catches will be healed instantly and constantly by The Mother Kundalini within. Until and unless external cleansing rituals are discarded this power will never be established. On the contrary, all these rituals only make matters worse according to Shri Mataji:
“The people who think that they can control their ego will eat less or use all types of methods to control ego. For example, someone is standing on one leg or other one on his head, all types of efforts they are doing to reduce their ego.
But with all these techniques, ego doesn't vanish. On the contrary, ego increases. Fasting, reciting the names, increases your ego. With Havans also ego increases because Agni, fire, is the right side element. Anything which is rituals increases your ego.
Human being thinks that they are alright, since they are doing these rituals since thousand years. All the wrong teachings they are still following. For this reason Sahaja Yoga is against Karma Kanda, that is rituals. No need to do any kind of Karma Kanda.
And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. I had asked them to shoe-beat to destroy their ego and what I see that every morning all the Sahaja Yogis go in the line with their shoes for shoe-beatings. But I had asked to do this if you have ego in you.
All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga. I got somebody in France with the list of the treatments of Vashi hospital. But that was for sick peoples. This is the nature of human being to follow the rituals because he thinks that he can do it."
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Christmas Puja—December 25, 1997
Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India
by Rebekah Kenton
This article places the chakras onto the diagram of the Tree of Life.
The chakras are connections between the physical and psychological bodies. They are situated in the spinal column but their reflections can also be perceived as whirling discs in front of the body. As for the exact physical location points in the body, there is much literature available that deals with this in detail. My reference is Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati and all quotations are from this book.
The physical aspects of the chakras have many implications for health and healing. However, from the Kabbalistic point of view it is more interesting to concentrate on the psychological aspect and evolving consciousness, and as such the chakras should be seen on the Jacob's Ladder on the psychological or Yeziratic Tree of Life.
There are seven major chakras, but there are also numerous smaller chakras connected to and governed by them. Maybe that is why there are so many different views on the subject. I hope that relating the major chakras to the Kabbalistic scheme will help to clarify the underlying principles.
According to the tradition, there are lower chakras that are responsible for the evolution of instinct in the animal kingdom and no longer active or conscious in humans. In the animal body, these inferior chakras are situated in the legs. On the Tree they can be seen as Malkhut. There are also said to be higher chakras above the Crown, and these can be seen as different levels of the Beriatic Tree. Little can be said about them as they belong to the realm of no form.
Paradoxically, the awakening of the chakras should start as high as Ajna or the Third Eye. One needs a degree of Wisdom and Understanding, a certain philosophical outlook and detachment, to be able to cope with the psychic phenomena that follow the awakening of the lower chakras.
Mooladhara Chakra (Base); Yesod
"The Sanskrit word moola means 'root or foundation' and that is precisely what this chakra is. Mooladhara is at the root of the chakra system and its influences are at the root of our whole existence. In tantra, Mooladhara is the seat of kundalini, the basis from which the possibility of higher Realization arises."
The ordinary ego-mind of Yesod works and runs our lives more or less automatically. It is not until one takes steps towards spiritual development that this chakra awakens and its functions become conscious, which can be a painful experience.
"All the passions are stored in Mooladhara, all the guilt, every complex and every agony has its root in Mooladhara chakra. It is so important for everybody to awaken this chakra and get out of it. Our lower karmas are embedded there, as in lower incarnations, one's whole being is founded on the sexual personality."
The awakening of any chakra is rarely a sudden event. It may take several years or lifetimes. In order to move on from Mooladhara, one has to clear the barrier of ignorance, egocentricity, attachment to physical pleasures and material objects.
Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral); Hod-Nezah
Reaching Swadhisthana means that one is starting to penetrate the Hod-Nezah threshold of the unconscious. Usually one has to face the lowest manifestations first; there may be excessive fear (Hod) or sexual fantasies (Nezah).
"This stage of evolution is known as Purgatory, and if you read the lives of many of the great saints, you will find that most of them encountered great turmoil and temptations when they were passing through this stage."
It is interesting to note, that in traditional symbolism the animal related to Swadhisthana is a crocodile. It is here that we encounter the dragon as described in mythology and fairy-stories, in other words the unconscious aspects of our psyche that are preventing us from evolving.
The way forward is keeping to the Path of Honesty. "One must have detachment, which is the outcome of a thorough analysis of the situations of life. To get beyond Swadhisthana you must improve the general background of your psycho-emotional life."
Manipura Chakra (Navel or Solar Plexus); Tiferet
"In the same way that the sun continually radiates energy to the planets, Manipura chakra radiates and distributes pranic energy throughout the entire human framework, regulating and energizing the activity of the various organs, systems and processes of life." Poorly functioning Manipura means lack of vitality, depression and ill health.
If this is true regarding the physical body, the more important it is psychologically. Manipura or Tiferet is the Self, the midpoint of the psyche. "It is the centre of dynamism, energy, will and achievement and is often compared to the dazzling heat and power of the sun."
"When the consciousness evolves to Manipura, one acquires a spiritual perspective." This refers to the position of Tiferet as the Kingdom of Heaven. In Mooladhara and Swadhisthana the consciousness is still preoccupied with personal matters and resolving old karmas, but in Manipura one starts to realize the possibilities in becoming truly human.
However at this level one may fall for money, sex and power instead of striving for truth, goodness and beauty. The temptations are becoming more subtle as one starts developing siddhis or psychic powers. Attachment to these powers often makes one believe one has "arrived", thus blocking further development.
Anahata Chakra (Heart); Gevurah-Hesed
Anahata operates at the level of the soul and symbolically relates to the awakening of the heart. It is important to remember the warning about the barrier: "The second psychic knot is located at this heart centre. It represents the bondage of emotional attachment, the tendency to live one's life making decisions on the strength of the emotions rather than in the light of the spiritual quest."
Awakening this chakra is the key to fate and freewill. "Anahata chakra is almost completely beyond empirical dimensions. One depends solely upon the power of one's own consciousness rather than on anything that is external or concerning faith. In Anahata chakra, the freedom to escape from a preordained fate and to determine one's own destiny becomes reality."As such, it is said that there is a wish-fulfilling tree in this chakra.
It seems that awakening of a chakra follows the pattern of the Lightning Flash on the Tree. In Anahata the negative tendencies of Gevurah usually surface first, like fear and pessimistic attitudes towards life. One has to remember the power of wish-fulfilling at this level in order not to manifest negative wishes. "It is important to have a firm and alert control over the mental tendencies and fantasies of the mind."
In order to move on, one needs to cultivate the qualities of Hesed. A positive way of thinking is vital. Also enjoying the arts at their best can be helpful. "Anahata chakra awakens refined emotion in the brain and its awakening is characterized by a feeling of universal, unlimited love for all beings."
Vishuddhi Chakra (Throat); Da't
"Besides Vishuddhi being described as the void in the tantra, there is also the knowledge aspect as in Kabbalah. The more abstract aspect of Vishuddhi is the faculty of higher discrimination. Hence any communication received telepathically can be tested here for its correctness and accuracy. Similarly, Vishuddhi allows us to differentiate between Realization coming into our consciousness from the higher levels of knowledge, and the mere babblings of our unconscious mind and wishful thinking."
Vishuddhi is also known as the 'nectar and poison centre'. This would mean 'death and transformation' in more familiar terms. The nectar is transcendental fluid, 'the Dew of Heaven'. As long as Vishuddhi chakra remains inactive, this fluid runs downward unimpeded, to be consumed in the fire of Manipura, resulting in the processes of decay, degeneration and finally death in the body's tissues. When Vishuddhi is awakened the divine fluid is retained and utilized, becoming the nectar of immortality. The secret of youth and regeneration of the body lies in the awakening of Vishuddhi chakra."
Vishuddhi is also the key to psychological regeneration."At the level of Vishuddhi and above, even the poisonous and negative aspects of existence become integrated into the total scheme of being. They are rendered powerless as concepts of good and bad fall away. At this state of awareness the poisonous aspects and experiences of life are absorbed and transformed into a state of bliss."
Interconnected with Vishuddhi chakra is Bindu Visarga. Very little is known and written about it as it is beyond the realm of all conventional experience. On the Jacob's Ladder it would relate to the Yesod of Beriah, which underlies the Daat of Yezirah. Bindu is a trap-door opening in both directions."It is said to be the origin of manifest individuality."From this point or seed an object, an animal, a human being or whatever, can arise and manifest. Each and every object has a Bindu as its base. That which was previously formless assumes shape through the Bindu, and its nature is fixed by the Bindu as well."
Ajna Chakra (The Third Eye); Binah-Hokhmah
Ajna is the chakra of higher intellect. "Ajna is the witnessing centre where one becomes the detached observer of all events, including those within the body and mind. Here the level of awareness is developed whereby one begins to 'see' the hidden essence underlying all visible appearances. When Ajna is awakened, the meaning and significance of symbols flashes into one's conscious perception and intuitive knowledge arises effortlessly."
"Up until Ajna chakra awakens, we are under delusions. It is only after awakening of Ajna chakra that the laws of cause and effect can be known. Thereafter your whole philosophical attitude and approach to life changes. As said, it is very important to develop the qualities of Binah and Hokhmah already at the very beginning of one's spiritual journey. Only those who have reason and understanding are able to cope."
It would seem that the awakening of the Ajna chakra follows the sequence of the Lightning Flash, activating first the Binah and then the Hokhmah aspect of this level. It is said that from Ajna there is only a short way to Sahasrara or enlightenment; from Hokhmah we would see how to get there.
Sahasrara Chakra (Crown); Keter
Sahasrara is actually not considered to be a chakra; it is the source of the chakras. "It is the crown of expanded awareness. The power of the chakras does not reside in the chakras themselves, but in Sahasrara. The chakras are only switches. All the potential lies in Sahasrara."
"Patanjali classifies samadhi or enlightenment in three different stages. This would correspond to the position of the Keter of Yezirah on Jacob's Ladder overlapping the Tiferet of Beriah and the Malkhut of Azilut."Sahasrara is both formless and with form, yet it is also beyond, and therefore untouched by form."
There are many descriptions about enlightenment, but ultimately it is not possible to define such an experience. Super-mental awareness is not a point; it is a process, a range of experience. Just as the term 'childhood' refers to a wide span of time, in the same way, samadhi is not a particular point of experience but a sequence of experiences which graduate from one stage to another."
In the course of one's development, the chakras may be only partially or temporarily awakened. They can also awaken independently from each other and do not necessarily follow the traditional sequence. In Kabbalah, an individual whose all chakras have fully and permanently awakened would be called the Messiah."
Rebekah Kenton
It is said that the soul enters into matter as a spark of omnipotent life and consciousness. Its instruments are subtle and causal in nature. The soul enters the primal cell of life wearing two forms: a causal body, which in turn is encased in a subtle body. As the name implies, the causal body is the cause of subtle and gross bodies. Thus, the soul is encased in these three bodies. The powers in the various elements of the subtle body help build, maintain, and enliven the gross physical form. The yogis mention that the centers of life and consciousness from which these powers function are the subtle brain ("lotus"of rays of light or vibration), and the subtle cerebrospinal axis (or sushumna) containing six Chakras (rings) or subtle centers.
Khat nem kar kothree baandhee bastu anoop beech paayee - The Creator has fashioned this body chamber with six rings (chakras), and placed within it the incomparable thing - that is soul (sggs 339, ln 12).
Ultat pawan chakra khat bhede surti sun anuraagee - I turned my breath inwards, and pierced through the six chakras of the body, and my awareness was centered on the Primal Void of the Absolute Lord ( sggs 333, ln 3).
Also known as the six psychic centers, the five Chakras are located in the spine, and the sixth Chakra is located in the medulla. These are the subtle centers of the superconsciousness. The six subtle centers mentioned by the yogis and the seven planes of consciousness described in the Vedas are essentially the same. More specific location of these six subtle centers, and their associated functions, elements, and cosmic sounds (for Chakras located in the spine) are briefly summarized as follows:
The top most Chakra or subtle center is located in the Medulla. It is located in the brain between eyebrows (seat of the single or spiritual eye), and the top of the cerebrum ("lotus"of rays of light). This is the powerhouse of life force and consciousness. It supplies power to the subtle centers.
Cervicial or Vishudha center is located in the spine opposite to the throat. Its associated element is ether. This center produces the sense of hearing. It maintains the etheric background of the body, and its work produces the musical cosmic sound (Dhuni) of ocean rumbling.
Dorsal or Anahata center is located in the spine opposite to the heart. Associated element is air, its work produces the bell-like or gong sound. It enables the oxygen and the prana or life energy in the body to combine with the physical cells, and is also responsible for the sense of touch.
Lumber or Manipur center is located in the spine opposite to the naval. Associated element is fire, its work produces the harp-like sound. Its function is to produce the sense of sight, and to maintain the heat of the body.
Sacral or Savdhirthan center is located in the spine opposite to the generative organs. The associated element is water, it sustains all the watery substances in the body, and is responsible for the sense of taste. Its work makes the sound of a flute.
Coccygeal or Mooldhar center is located at the base of the spine. The associated element is earth, and it makes a sound of a buzzing bee. It is responsible for the solidifying of the primal life force into atoms of flesh, and for producing the sense of smell.
The scriptures reveal that the human body is made by five elements (i.e., ether, air, water, earth, and fire). As indicated above, the five subtle centers located in the spine are associated with five different vibratory elements, functions, and musical cosmic sounds (Dhuni). The sixth medulla center, located above the five spinal centers, continuously recharges with life and consciousness all the sub-powerhouses of vibratory elements.
The soul, the pure image of God (Jot Saroop), reigns in the center of the astral region of medulla, frontal part of brain between the eyebrows (single or spiritual eye), and at the top of the cerebrum ("lotus"of rays of light or vibration). In deep meditation, the devotee goes beyond the physical sounds, and begins to hear five sounds of subtle forces. The Gurbani narrates all this so beautifully as follows:
Mastak padam dualai mani. Mahi niranjan tribhavan dhani. Panch sabad nirmaail baje - on the forehead is the Lotus and around it are the jewels (or rays of light). In the center is Pure Lord, the Master of the three worlds; the melody of the five pure sounds resounds there (sggs 974).
One cannot see these Chakras with the physical eyes. Also, one cannot take them out by cutting the body. How mystic the human body really is!
With the help of the above background, we can now try to understand Kundalini. The lowest of the six subtle centers is the coccygeal center, which is located at the bottom of the spine. As mentioned by the yogis, all the subtle powers of consciousness and life force flowing downward from the higher centers into the coccygeal center come into physical manifestation through the channel of this lower center. As the life force flows outward from the coccygeal center, it creates and sustains the region of flesh, bones, blood, marrow, organs, nerves, veins, arteries, glands, muscles, skin, and so forth.
Kundalini is this coiled creative life force at the base of astral spine (Mooldhar center). Due to its coiled form of a sleeping serpent, it is symbolized as a snake. When this life force is allowed to flow down due to mental delusion, its stinging venom causes the man to enjoy evil passions. In deep meditation or devotion, when a devotee turns this creative force inward and commands it to flow upward back to its source in the"lotus"of light, it reveals the resplendent inner world of the divine forces and consciousness of the soul and Spirit. The flowing of this power from the coccyx to the Spirit is referred in Yoga or devotion as the awakened Kundalini. In other words, when the spiritual power (born of divine ardor and dispassion) is lifted upward, it opens or awakens the five spinal centers.
The purpose of human life is to reverse the flow of consciousness by directing it ascend upward until it unites with the"lotus"of rays of light in the highest center of brain. According to sages, the consciousness of man is identified with the three lower centers of the spine (coccygeal, sacral, and lumbar), which operates under karmic laws. The liberated man (Jivanmukta) rises above the subtle centers and penetrates to the highest center of the brain. Here the devotee beholds his soul as a true reflection of the perfect Spirit, beyond everything. He is transformed into divine bliss.
Kundalini can be awakened or released either by yoga system or by the path of Bhagti. Awakening of Kundalini by the yoga system include yogi exercises or Pranayama. The path of the Bhagti includes the practice of loving devotion, joining the Saadh Sangat or the company of the true and the wise ones, and chanting God's Name. In Saadh Sangat, one attains self-control and mental purity necessary for awakening the Kundilini. For the speedy awakening of Kundilini, the path of Bhagti is proclaimed by the spiritual masters to be more practical, simple and effective for this age of Kal Yuga (Dark Age).
Kundalini surjhi sat sangat parmanand guru mukh machaa - through the association with saintly souls, the Kundalini ia awakened, and the Lord of supreme bliss is enjoyed (sggs 1402).
Ih man nirmal je har gun gavai - By singing Lord's glories, this mind becomes immaculate (sggs 1067).
Amrit ras kirtan har gayeeai ahinis pooran naad - The singing of nectar-sweet praises of the Lord day and night, one enjoys the Anhad Naad or celestial music (sggs 1219).
Naam lait anhad poore naad (sggs 1144, ln 8).
The realized beings urge that God cannot be realized unless the Kundalini is awakened. The state of awakened Kundalini is called by many names in the Gurbani as follows:
Opening of Dasam Duar or the Tenth Gate
Realization of the Spirit
Hearing of Panch Shabad or Anhad Naad
Attainment of Eternal Bliss
Being established in the"True House"
Liberation from the three modes of Maya
Jivanmukata or liberated while living
Complete absorption in devotion or Bhakti
Attainment of the Fourth state or Chautha Pad, etc.
A skeptic or one with perverted understanding may question all of this, as well as he may also question as to how the sages knew such mysteries of this human body. Baabaa Nanak offers the answer to such skeptics as follows:
"Suneeai jog jugat tan bhed" - by hearing God's name the mortal understands the ways of uniting with the Lord and the body's secrets (sggs 2)!
T. Singh, Reflections on Gurbani (
“This is the Puja of Adi Kundalini as well as your own Kundalini. Self-Realization is self-knowledge, and the one who gives you self-knowledge is your own Kundalini because when She rises She points out the problems on your chakras. Kundalini is pure desire, which means that
it has no lust or greed. lt is the power of your own Mother who knows everything about you, like a tape recorder . Whatever chakras She touches She also knows what's wrong with that chakra beforehand, so She's quite prepared and She adjusts Herself fully so that you do not get a problem by Her awakening. If any chakra is constricted She waits and goes on slowly
opening that chakra.
Kundalini is the primordial power which is reflected within you like many strands of energy twisted together-like a rope. In a human being these strands are 3 into 7 that is 21 raised to the power 108. When your Kundalini rises, one or two strands out of this come up and pierce the
fontanel bone area. It's a spiral which has to pass through the innermost Nadi, known as the Brahma Nadi, which is also a spiral. The outermost
Nadi is the right side and the second innermost is the Ida Nadi. When the
Kundalini passes through the Brahma Nadi, the sympathetic nervous system
starts relaxing, and when it goes to the Agnya chakra, then the eyes start
relaxing, the pupils dilate, and they can become very black like Shri
Mataji's. This is a way to easily see how far the Kundalini has risen in a
The Kundalini energy is absolutely pure light of knowledge, love
compassion and attention. It is the living energy which knows how to
handle Itself and think. It is like the tip of a sprouting seed that knows
how to go around all the soft places, to encircle the stones, then find
its way to the source. But within you is a tremendous force of
Kundalini: a storehouse of love, compassion and knowledge and ocean
of forgiveness which can be enlightened by the Spirit. When people get
realization, they do not understand that they have to now grow, and the
reason they don't grow is they do not ask for these energies-to be more
compassionate, more loving, more generous, and not to exploit others. But
If you do not want to be growing in your awareness then She says, 'All
right. He's a half-baked Sahaja Yogi. Let it be.' She doesn't supply that
energy which is stored within you. Mundane desires, such as asking for a
job or for cures for relatives, are impure because they are not satiable.
This Kundalini that is your Mother She is there to supply you, nourish
you, to look after you, to make you grow by giving you a higher
personality, wider personality, deeper personality. But our ideas about
people who have higher personalities are wrong. People are higher because
they are spiritually evolved ; otherwise they are not."
Shri Mataji
Germany , August 11 , 1991
“With this 'Collective Consciousness' you can 'cure people, you can give them Realization as I have told you and also you can feel the Kundalini of any person in the whole world; and cure the Chakras of that person. You can tell the condition of another person far away by sitting down here. Wherever your attention goes, it works thereby your attention becomes Universal. A drop of your attention becomes one with the ocean of the 'Sat-Chit-Anand'.
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
New Delhi, India, February 15, 1977
February 9, 1998
Islamic Conference Focuses On Sahaja Yoga
LUCKNOW (Feb 9) — Interpretation of the Quran in the light of Sahaja Yoga was the topic of the first international conference of the Islamic Study Group in the city here on Sunday. Various Muslim scholars from around the globe dwelt on the divine powers of Nirmala Devi, who has rediscovered the magic of 'sahaj yoga.' The members discussed the benefits of this form and how Muslims could benefit from it.
Speaking on occasion, Mr. Husain Top, a renowned sufi saint from Turkey, said the seven heavens mentioned by the prophet were in fact seven 'chakras' of consciousness.
"The Almighty is pleased after one attains a higher state of consciousness through self-purification and meditation," he said.
"God sees through man and he hears through man," the sufi saint said. Mr. Top said in the final stage of consciousness man is enveloped by the will of God and in this state he attains union with the Almighty and finds peace.
Mr. Jamal from Algeria revealed that 'Qayamet' or Doomsday as is generally understood, is not destruction but resurrection attaining enlightenment.
He explained that the real meaning of the greater 'jehad' or holy war was the 'conquest of the self.' Mr. Javed Khan, president of the Indian Taekwondo Association and the All-India Kickboxing Federation, said the 'meraj' or ascent can be attained through Self-Realization, which happens spontaneously in Sahaja Yoga.
The Quran and the Hadith speak specifically about 'meraj,' he said. Dr. Amjad Ali from Australia spoke on the same topic and explained the matter in detail. He related every aspect of his theory to the electromagnetic field of the energy present within every individual, which he termed as 'chakras.' Explaining the position of the 'kundalini,' which he said was the breath of god in the human body, Mr. Amjad Ali said the 'kundalini' ascends from the base of the spine to the top of the head, which when aroused leads to Self-Realization.
Dr. Zafar Rashid from the United Kingdom talked about incarnations. He said the holy ghost was in fact the primordial feminine power called 'Adi Shakti.' "It is through this 'shakti' that we can attain salvation," he said. Mr. Majeed Golpour from Iran said, resurrection is also the time for advent of the 12th Imam or the Ma'adhi' (which Javed said was in fact 'Adi Shakti'.) Mr. Golpour said from the various signals he received from time to time, it has become clear that 'adi shakti' or the 'imam ma'ahdi' had come to Earth in the form of Nirmala Devi."
The Hindustan Times, February 9, 1998
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