Fifth Chakra: Vishuddhi
"The fifth chakra (Vishuddhi) is the chakra of diplomacy, of pure relationships with others, and of playful detachment. It removes all our guilt and remorse when it is opened by the Kundalini, and gives us a kind and compassionate voice. The tendencies to dominate others or to feel dominated by others, the feelings of superiority or inferiority and all jealousies are removed when this chakra is nourished by the Kundalini."Shri Visuddhi-Chakra-nilayaa Devi
(Visuddhi-chakra-nilaya [475th]: Dwelling in the Visuddha Padma of 16 petals.) I am the ether, I am the space, and I contain the whole creation within you. I am the feeling of Oneness with all other human beings and with this universe, the Virata. In your voice I am the sweetness of words expressing the pure relationship between brothers and sisters. I am the sense of music and melodies sung in the praise of God, soothing your being and elevating it to the Divine. I came to make you aware that this universe is all a Play, a Leela, in which you are but actors. Through My Power of Yoga, of Union with the Divine that I bestow upon you, I make you the joyful witness of the whole Drama. When you surrender all your burdens to My presence awakened in you by Kundalini, then from the limited individual that you were, I raise you to unlimited beings.
The Vishuddhi Chakra represents that time in the evolution of humanity when the need for harmony and collective living becomes important. It represents everything to do with the cohesive nature of the human race, and the ability of the human being to rise above petty differences and strive to experience the unity of the Spirit.
One of the qualities that we need to develop for our spiritual growth is that of staying detached from the problems we face every day whilst trying to survive in the modern world. The flowering of the Vishuddhi Chakra provides us with a sense of detachment which lets us witness the Play of Life to survive in the modern world. As a result we avoid being brought down by things which seem traumatic, but are in fact simple 'events' or 'coincidences' which we must pass through to reach the Other Shore. This does not mean that we stop accepting responsibility for our actions, or that we 'give up' on life. It simply gives us a means to maintain a sense of perspective when we are faced with overwhelming, emotional situations. We become a witness of the game, and can keep a distance from our involvement and thoughts, from our planning and conditionings, from our emotions.
After our Self-Realization our ability to be a witness matures, and we see all of these things as existing outside ourselves. These things and events are not of our Spirit; they are of the external world. In this way we strip away layers of identity to reveal our fundamental and individual essences, the Spirit. Shri Mataji says that "we see our own acting, and the whole world becomes like a drama." In the same way Shakespeare likened the whole world to a stage, and we as actors on it.
The Vishuddhi Chakra also embodies those qualities which govern our relationship with other members of the human race. It is key to our ability to feel and respond to our own vibrations as well as others, and deepens our spiritual awareness. It gives us a sense of oneness and harmony with the Great Circle of Life. As we become One with the Whole we begin to feel the direct evidence of the subtle system on our Chakras and those of others. This is what is meant by the actualization in Sahaja Yoga, this actual evidence of our enlightenment, which we experience on our fingertips and in our bodies. It is a fact that, as we become a collectively conscious person, we can work on the subtle system of others simply by recording the state of their Chakras on our fingers and directing our vibrations to these areas of need as required. It is like acquiring a new perception, a natural new sense of subtle vibrations. This bond of humanity is the goal that seekers have been searching for over many lifetimes, and it is starting its manifestation at this point in time, not just through myth and conception, but through the direct evidence of personal experience.
The deity for this centre is Shri Krishna. He represents God in His aspect as the Eternal Witness. With absolute detachment He watches the Play (Leela) of the Cosmic drama.
The Vishuddhi Chakra has sixteen petals, each with different qualities and functions. We should avoid lying or swearing or talking excessively as this could affect the right centre. Likewise it benefits us if we use the voice for praise rather than criticism, for dignity rather than coarse frivolity. We should never be harsh or sarcastic or witty at another's expense. We should simply aim to speak from the heart. Another way this centre can suffer is in the indiscriminate use of mantras. This is especially true in regard to mantras sold as commercial commodities. These are simple sensory-dulling toys which have no relationship with our Spirit. Undergoing this type of self-hypnosis is actually anti-consciousness.
Those who wish to open their Vishuddhi Chakra are advised to follow instructions #16-18 of this Self-Realization link. The Mother Kundalini will rise from the base Mooladhara Chakra and, after awakening all the chakras on Her path, reach the Sahasrara Chakra. There will be two self-verifiable signs of this kundalini awakening and opening of the chakras:
i) feeling Cool Breeze of Spirit (ruach, pneuma, ruh, shekinah, chaitanya) from top of head and/or
ii) feeling Cool Breeze of Spirit (ruach, pneuma, ruh, shekinah, chaitanya) from fingertips/palm of hands.
You are assured of your own Divine Kundalini/Mother/Spirit within giving Self-Realization and opening your chakras provided you follow those instructions. That assurance in the form of Cool Breeze, which is self-verifiable, manifests due to a far higher spiritual evolution. Rest assured that this experience is absolutely without any side-effects whatsoever.
On the contrary, your own Divine Mother/Holy Spirit within will over the years lead you to a state of mind, bliss, peace, knowledge and spiritual journey that has no parallel. This second birth of the Spirit/Mother Kundalini commences the promised Resurrection and, upon physical 'death', evolution into the eternal spirit as demonstrated by Jesus Christ and upheld, albeit with different wordings and interpretations, by the holy scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism.
But Jesus insists that for all this to manifest one must be born of the Spirit (Mother Kundalini), and the sure sign of that spiritual birth from within oneself will be the Cool Breeze (Wind):
Jesus and Nicodemus
John 3:1-8
1. Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews;
2. this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him."
3. Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."
4. Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?”
5. Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
6. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7. "Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'
8. "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
"Experience of the Spirit is of great importance to believers, and this is natural, if the Spirit is the source of new, eschatological life. However, experience of the Spirit must also take its place within a larger context. For every present encounter with the Spirit is one instant in a long history of pneumatic activity. Forgetting this point results in an overblown evaluation of the significance of experiences of the Spirit. It also results in those experiences losing much of their meaning. The Spirit encountered today is the same Spirit that spoke through the prophets, empowered Jesus and the apostles, and will someday bring about the complete transformation of all things. It is the eschatological Spirit. To experience the Spirit is to be drawn up into this pneumatic movement. Therefore, any experience of the Spirit must take its meaning from this larger historical context." (Beck 2007, 237)
Cool Breeze (Wind) experiences of those born of the Spirit
Judith Coney is a lecturer in the Department of Study of Religions at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. She published her book in 1999 prior to this website and refrained from mentioning the eschatological significance of the "cool breeze" experiences felt by hundreds of thousands since the 1970's till date.
"The result, in all three settings [Royal Albert Hall, local meeting or private house], is that many people do feel a cool breeze. The coolness which is felt is usually associated with other sensations as well. Typically, the pupils of the eyes can be observed to dilate and the person will feel very relaxed and 'centred.' However, it is notable that, despite the very similar ways in which individuals 'get their realisation'—and even in the same setting—not everybody feels exactly the same thing. Sri Mataji teaches that the vibrations of kundalini can be felt as cool breeze on the palm of the hands and above the head. Sometimes breezes, in line with the teachings, are felt on the hands and head specifically. For others, the experience is more generalized:
The experience was extremely timeless, because I felt that it only lasted for about five minutes but somebody came behind me and said 'would you like a cup of tea' and I thought, 'this is silly, what's all this about tea?; But it turned out that it was about three quarters of an hour later. And I felt a strong cool breeze. I was actually told; you will probably feel some coolness or some nice feelings inside' but I felt coolness not just in my hands, where I was told it would be, but all over and I felt incredibly peaceful.
Generally, the feeling of coolness on 'realisation' seems to be discernible, but relatively weak. As with Kakar's description of his own 'realisation', many newcomers are left with the feeling that they felt something but they are not sure what:
Mataji grandly announced, 'He is realised' ... 'Sit in meditation for some time' she told me as I sat up. 'Do you feel a cool breeze on the top of your head and on your palms?' Indeed I did, though I could not distinguish the coolness due to kundalini from the gutsy breeze coming in from the sea. I felt well, though, calm and deeply relaxed. (Kakar 1984, 195-6)
A few, however, have an extremely strong experience. One such incident was described by one of the participating Sahaja Yogis:
He felt really cool, not just on his hands but all over. He said: 'This isn't a breeze, it's a wind'. We all felt it really strongly too. Then we picked up Mother's photograph and held it in front of him and he felt loads of vibrations coming from that. But I think the whole thing was so strong that it frightened him. He was very high and positive for two days, he brought us some flowers, and then he became wary and never came to [the ashram] again.
Others still, in contrast, do not feel much, if anything, on their first session. This lack of feeling on their part, however, may not be shared by the Sahaja Yogis 'working on them', who may remark enthusiastically about how cool the individual feels, and may also be at odds with the view of Sri Mataji herself. Here is the description of his initial contact with Sahaja Yoga by one such follower. He first went to a meeting at which Sri Mataji gave 'realisation' en masse, but felt nothing. Nevertheless, he was persuaded to go to a smaller workshop a few days later.
I really didn't feel anything there at all either but I was told by Mataji herself-she said 'Who hasn't felt it yet?' and I put my hand up with a few others. Mataji said 'Come forward' and then she said to me 'You've got it, you know'. And I said 'Have I?' and she said 'Yes, go through to that room and ask some Sahaja Yogis to work on you'. So that was my introduction to Sahaja Yoga.
It was only with repeated sessions that he developed the ability to feel a cool breeze. There are also those, a few, who may feel more calm, possibly as a result of sitting quietly for some time, but otherwise feel no different and never feel any sort of breeze. This is often explained by Sahaja Yogis as being because the chakras have been too badly damaged by negativity in the past (Rajasekharan and Venkatesan 1992, 98).
Kakar (1984, 208), a trained Freudian psychologist, having witnessed Sri Mataji's delivery of 'realisation' both en masse and on a one-to-one basis, concluded that much of this experience is built on suggestion and 'hypnotic induction':
Needless to add, because of the emotional pressures created in a group setting, the tendency to identify with the experience of other group members and the intense desire to please the leader, only a handful of people hold out against this mass suggestion. (ibid., 209)
Such a conclusion would undoubtedly be rejected by a Sahaja Yogi, convinced that they have experienced their Spirit through the grace of Sri Mataji. It is not within the remit of my present enquiry, however, to seek to establish the 'real cause' of a cool breeze felt by an individual, but to try chart the social dynamics involved. Just as Goodman commented, in relation to religious experience:
The religious practitioners argue for it, either because it is part of their dogma, or because, as they affirm, they have 'been there', they have experienced it. The hard scientists take the opposite position, again as a matter of conviction. As social scientists, our situation is a happier one: at least we can state that, without any doubt, the alternate reality is a social one. (Goodman 1988, 43)."
Judith Coney, Sahaja Yoga
RoutledgeCurzon, 1999, pp. 55-58
Since the 1970's tens of thousands of Sahaja Yogis "have [daily] experienced their Spirit through the grace of Sri Mataji... they affirm, they have 'been there', they have experienced it."
"Such a conclusion would undoubtedly be rejected by a Sahaja Yogi, convinced that they have experienced their Spirit through the grace of Sri Mataji. It is not within the remit of my present enquiry, however, to seek to establish the 'real cause' of a cool breeze felt by an individual, but to try chart the social dynamics involved. Just as Goodman commented, in relation to religious experience: The religious practitioners argue for it, either because it is part of their dogma, or because, as they affirm, they have 'been there', they have experienced it." (Coney 1999, 58)
“The Cool Breeze coming out of your head, that's called as Chaitanya Lahari, that's called Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. When John the Baptist talked about baptism, he meant this. He didn't mean the way we do baptism, to just call somebody, put some water on the head, and say 'Oh, you're baptized. That's just a drama. Baptism is a living process."
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Truth to be Achieved, Brighton, U.K.—7 October 1982
“The Cool Breeze is all around us and we can start feeling in our hands when the Kundalini emerges from the top of the head if our Vishuddhi is alright. This is what Christ meant by 'to be born again' and not just to call some people and say, 'Alright, now we have some baptism.'"
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
We don't have to suffer, Bedford, U.K.—8 October 1982
“As prophesied in the scriptures, the phase of Last Judgment has started. The testing ground is of great illusion (Mahamaya). Kundalini is the indicator of our balance and wisdom. She will evaluate, correct and evolve us. Sahaja Yoga gives you a chance to be fully your meaning. Take full advantage of it. Establish your attention in the Absolute (Atman) and achieve the life eternal in the Kingdom of God."
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
London, U.K.—June, 1980
The Divine Mother in this Age has
come in the form of Shri Mataji
(1923-2011) Who, as the promised
Paraclete, brought closure to Jesus'
message of the Kingdom of God
and commenced the Resurrection.
For Hindus, Sikhs and others that
should be understood as Kundalini
awakening and Atma jnana that is
absolutely essential for moksa. My essence is complete innocence in thought, word, and action. I came many times in the form of prophets, saints and gurus of each and every religion, giving you laws and principles whose observance gave inner balance and harmony.
Today when Kundalini awakens My presence in you (second spiritual 'birth'/'being born again' of Spirit), religion is no more a belief—it becomes a living state within. As you become the childlike disciple of your Mother, I make you your own master and in this lifetime strive to liberate you from ceaseless rebirths on this Earth (moksa) and lead you to residence and life eternal in My heavenly Paradise (Kingdom of God). These few names of mine confirm that I reside within you and so will be able to fulfill that promise:
Shri Kundalini
Kundalini [110th] She is coiled like a serpent. She is stated to assume 3 1/2 coils - the form in which Sri Lalita resides in sacrum bone of every human as potential state.
Shri Muladharambujarudha Devi
(Muladharambujarudha [514th]: She is mounted on the four-petalled Muladhara-Padma at the level of the anus.)
Shri Svadhisthananambuja-gata Devi
(Svadhisthananambuja-gata: [504th]: Resides in the six-petalled Svadhisthana-Chakra at the level of the sex organ. This name means Herself resides as Fire in that Chakra.)
Shri Manipurabja-nilaya Devi
(Manipurabja-nilaya [495th]: She has Manipurna-Padma as Her abode near the navel. This Padma has ten petals.)
Shri Anahatabja-nilaya Devi
(Anahatabja-nilaya [485th]: She dwells in the Anahata-Chakra near the heart as Rakini.)
Shri Visuddhi-Chakra-nilaya Devi
(Visuddhi-chakra-nilaya [475th]: Dwelling in the Visuddha Padma of 16 petals.)
Shri Agnya-Chakrabja-nilaya Devi
(Agnya-chakrabja-nilaya (521st): Resides in the two-petalled Agnya-chakra. Residing in this Chakra, She controls various organs (Indriyas). Hence, it is known as Agnya-Chakra situated between the eye-brows.)
Shri Sahasra-dala-padmastha Devi
(Sahasra-dala-padmastha [528th]: Residing in the Thousand-Petaled Lotus.)
The most effective way to clear or heal chakra problems ("catch" or obstruction) is to put attention on the affected chakra during meditation and allow The Mother Kundalini to heal. Remain in the thoughtless state while you work on the affected chakra. Always remember this quote of Shri Mataji:
“Kundalini will rise and She will cleanse you completely. Kundalini will rise and always cleanse the chakras."The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Sydney, Australia—March 31, 1991
“I would say, with this, today's special celebration of Navaratri. Like yesterday you saw Shri Durga's nine forms, also. In that, one is Kushmanda, is one of the forms, that you absorb all the filth in yourself, in your stomach. But the Devi does that, not you. What the Devi can do, you should not do. That's her job, that She is supposed to do this, not you. What you have to do is to only be in silence so that you absorb whatever will increase that silence, will increase your depth. The Devi will look after all the rest of the things, she'll look after all the filth, all the anger, all the temper, all the everything that's going on in this world. She will absorb all that, but what you have to do is to just enjoy everything that is pure.
Enjoyment is only possible when you are beyond your mind. With your mind you can never enjoy. It is like a big load. It will not act, it will not help. Enjoyment comes when you are in complete silence, in a rippleless lake, the reflection of all the joy that is created on the shores of that lake are completely reflected, they are not deflected. If they were repulsed it would have been a different image altogether, and would have been something nowhere near the image of reality."
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Navaratri Puja. Cabella Ligure, Italy—October 1, 1995
Once this power is established no external rituals are required as catches will be healed instantly and constantly by The Mother Kundalini within. Until and unless external cleansing rituals are discarded this power will never be established. On the contrary, all these rituals only make matters worse according to Shri Mataji:
“The people who think that they can control their ego will eat less or use all types of methods to control ego. For example, someone is standing on one leg or other one on his head, all types of efforts they are doing to reduce their ego.
But with all these techniques, ego doesn't vanish. On the contrary, ego increases. Fasting, reciting the names, increases your ego. With Havans also ego increases because Agni, fire, is the right side element. Anything which is rituals increases your ego.
Human being thinks that they are alright, since they are doing these rituals since thousand years. All the wrong teachings they are still following. For this reason Sahaja Yoga is against Karma Kanda, that is rituals. No need to do any kind of Karma Kanda.
And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. I had asked them to shoe-beat to destroy their ego and what I see that every morning all the Sahaja Yogis go in the line with their shoes for shoe-beatings. But I had asked to do this if you have ego in you.
All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga. I got somebody in France with the list of the treatments of Vashi hospital. But that was for sick peoples. This is the nature of human being to follow the rituals because he thinks that he can do it."
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Christmas Puja—December 25, 1997
Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India
"Vishuddhi Chakra
The fifth chakra is the chakra of diplomacy, of pure relationships with others, and of playful detachment. It removes all our guilts and remorses when it is opened by the Kundalini, and gives us a kind and compassionate voice. The tendencies to dominate others or to feel dominated by others, the feelings of superiority or inferiority and all jealousies are removed when this chakra is nourished by the Kundalini.
Also, the Vishuddhi is the chakra which gives us the connection with the whole, enabling us to feel our oneness and the fact that we are all part and parcel of the whole."
“Reality is lightsome, that is, light and graceful. The earth, if truly viewed, is not a place for tragedy. Tragedy is only an invention of human pride when the individual takes himself and his position in the world too seriously. On the other hand, life might degenerate into comedy were it not for the fact that the suffering of Man is too intense to permit us to belittle it. The Vedic Revelation here brings us a message of poise and gracefulness. It tells us that reality is not ponderous, that it is lila, a play, an adventure with no ulterior aims or goals outside the range of the game itself. Indeed, this game has many rules and not everybody knows them. In this game there are evil, suffering, and error, but all are part of the play. Moreover, the play, the lightsome character of reality, would be misunderstood if this dimension were to be severed from what really makes a play a play, namely, its feature of gratuity, of grace. Nothing is done from either obligation or necessity. There is this one advantage in the experience of contingency: the knowledge that all is contingent, including the rules of behavior of the contingent beings. To speak of contingency and then to shackle contingent beings with laws of necessity is disastrous, according to the Vedic Revelation. The world is lightsome, because it is grace, a product of grace and not of necessity."
Professor Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience
Motilal Banarsidass (May 1995) p. 314
“Within each of us exists the potential to become the spirit and feel the peace and joy we felt in our hearts as children. Outside us is a world in spiritual, moral and economic turmoil. It is essential to go beyond all the confusion, into the meditative state to reach the peace within. In Sahaja Yoga Meditation our dormant spirituality is awakened. The result is the ability to achieve true meditation. We are completely alert, yet our thoughts are slowed down and the mind is silent. Our hearts are full of joy and love, but we are emotionally detached from what is going on around us. We experience a state of deep and profound peace, yet this is just the beginning of a transformation that takes us to a higher level of awareness.
Every human being contains a system of nerves and sensory organs that interprets the outside physical world. within us there also exists a subtle system of channels and centers of knowledge. When the dormant "Mothering" energy within us called Kundalini is awakened, we become connected to our spirit and our energy centers become enlightened. This awakening is known as Self-Realization. It happens instantly without effort or thought. We can verify the reality of this awakening because it is an actual experience. When our subtle system is enlightened, we have the ability to interpret the real state of our being.
As we meditate, many universal qualities are awakened within us. Innocence allows us to experience joy and to go beyond the limits of our own prejudices and conditionings. Creativity flows naturally from the source of our being, not from our brains. Satisfaction is nurtured from our inner being regardless of the dramas in our personal lives. We feel compassion for all humanity and are able to let go of the anger, hatred, fear and resentment which hinders our growth. Relationships attain harmony and our interactions are at a deeper level. As one meditates, one's health improves and there is a sense of being fully functioning, fully alive. When true meditation is achieved, the connection of the individual spirit with God is established. Then we can begin to know the truth: about ourselves, our world and, in time, about the Divine. For thousands of years, great seekers have tried to achieve this knowledge. Few have succeeded. Now is the blossoming time, when normal people are seeking the truth and they will find it."
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